5 Myths of Yoga That can be Unveiled at Yoga Teacher Training Retreats

For some Yoga is a form of relaxation and for some yoga is that standard of living but there are certain myths associated with Yoga. When you go to  200 hour yoga teacher training retreats, you will come across many concepts of Yoga that might have been represented to you in a wrong way or as myths. If you have been a part of the yoga teacher training retreats, you will already know how the myths about Yoga are unveiled once you start performing and learning the art of Yoga. And, if you have not attended the yoga teacher training bali then here is the time to discard the common myths and misconceptions about Yoga.

Myth 1- Yoga is a religious aspect and can put up a question on faith
It is usually believed that Hinduism, Jainism, or Buddhism is associated with Yoga, but it is one of the major myths that Yoga is a religious conviction. The concept of Yoga is all about harmonizing the body, mind, and soul to stabilize the chaotic conditions of life, and there is no holy book, dogmas, or propaganda that is associated with Yoga. When you learn yoga at the 200 hour yoga teacher training retreats, you will be on a track that will let spirituality prevail in your life.

Myth 2- You have to wake up early to do Yoga
If you think Yoga is performed early in the morning then let’s clear this. You can take out your Yoga mats and start practicing now. Morning is of course the best phase of the day,to begin with any physical exercise but, there is no compulsion to practice Yoga only in the morning. Yoga is centered around discipline and requires the same in performing this art. And, in a yoga teacher training bali, you will have the sequences scheduled for the entire course of the day. So, you do not need to restrain your schedule to practice Yoga.

Myth 3- Yoga is only for flexible people
Yoga is the combination of strength, stability, and flexibility and it is not at all compulsory that you should have a high rate of flexibility to perform Yoga. Flexibility can be attained by consistent practice which will also increase your core strength and stability of your body. And, joining the yoga teacher training retreats is the best option to improve the trinity of flexibility, strength, and stability of the body.

Myth 4-  To deliver physical benefits, Yoga is too mild as an art
Indeed,Yoga is not fierce like other forms of physical exercise but this does not mean that it will not have any effect on your fitness and overall health. In turn, it will help you in increasing the flexibility of your joints and muscle power while alleviating your anxiety to explore your inner-self.

Join Azadi yoga teacher training retreats to get the best and comprehensive yoga teacher training bali. The 200 hour yoga teacher training retreats will help you in achieving the harmony of your body, mind, and soul.

For more information visit us:  https://www.azadiretreat.com/


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